Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Blog Discussion--The Police and Problems in the USA and Colombia

Hello students,

Welcome to our first blog post.  My goal is to use the blog as a forum for you to continue practicing your English by listening to, watching, or reading online sources, and then discussing them with your classmates.

You may have heard on the news about the death of a young black man, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri, in the United States.  He was shot by a police officer who stopped him for walking in the street.  There have also been many other recent incidents in the US of black men killed by the police.  Many people have gone to Ferguson to protest police actions and racism.

This story from the Voice of America website discusses the anger against police actions.  I would like you to read/listen to the story and then comment on this post (also sign your name with your comment).  You can respond to the comments of others, or answer the following questions:
1. Police in the US have been criticized for seeing people from poor communities (especially young black men) as criminals.  What do you think about this?
2. Do police in Colombia stop people just because of how they look?
3. How do you feel about the police in Colombia?


  1. Ans 1:

    I think, the criminal minds are not only in the poor communities, We have seen serial killers from white and rich people. The problem is in USA and some others countries still exist racism but I ask: why did you get a black president then?

    Ans 2:

    Police in Colombia stop people depending how they look. They have references how criminal people looks but sometimes this is a wrong reference.

    Ans 3:

    I consider that cops are doing a good job. I mean this is a very tough job in a country like the ours. Every day we found people that they don´t have any respet for authority including them, additionally violence on streets, drugs and ciminal gans controling our neighborhoods, all these staffs make me thinking "this is a really dangerous and heroic job".

    Mauricio Amariles C.

  2. First of all, we have to be ver careful at the moment of talk about this situation. it is important that we take time to read enough about it and make a real critic about this, and after doing this if it is sure that cops only see this people as criminals because of how the look, that is wrong and it demands more respect from cops; or if they were just really doing their job, people should not be so alarmed. but again the important thing here is to be critics about it.

    In second place, here in colombia it is not necessary that you look in a certain way to be stopped by the police. I have beed stopped many times, and they asked for my ID and they check something and that's it, and it is true that they stop people how look strange, well this is their duty. But really you do not have to look in a specific way.

    And finally, i feel that here in colombia there are man corruption, everywhere, including the police, so for this reason, the police is not well seen by people. People often see them as a waste of money, at the end, if the law does not respect the law, who will respect it. Moreover, it is a very hard duty to do and we always should try to have a better look before judging it.


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